These are a blast from the past. What could say “childhood summer” better than Dixie cups, craft sticks and jello? I suppose you could say that bikes with banana seats or running through the sprinkler might describe “childhood summer” better, but I think these popsicles have an advantage. These are the taste of summer, with all its cool, sticky goodness. And if you eat it just right you can have the sweet, syrup dripping down your arm and off your elbow making orange polka dots on the sidewalk.
Here’s what you’ll need to make them. Your kids will love you for doing this and love you even more if you let them help make them.
1 small box jello, any flavor
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups boiling water
2 cups cold water
dixie cups
craft sticks
Put the jello and sugar in a bowl with a pour spout. Add the boiling water and stir to dissolve. Add the cold water and stir. Pour about 1/2 cup into each dixie cup. Freeze the popsicles for about 2 hours. I set the timer so I wouldn’t forget this next step. After 2 hours, they should be frozen enough to stand the craft sticks in, but not so frozen you can’t get the sticks in. Pop in the sticks and freeze until firm.
I found it worked well to put the popsicles on a cookie sheet in the freezer. We made strawberry also and ended up with about 16 popsicles from the two batches. Enjoy your summer!
I remember Kool-aid pops, but not Jell-O pops. Might have to try these with the kids. 🙂
My little neice would love this!
I was JUST thinking about this the other day … well actually I was wondering how to make pudding pops. Maybe you could be creative for me? LOL 🙂 I haven’t Googled them yet, but these Jell-O pops look YUMMY!!
Shanna, I don’t have a recipe for pudding pops either. Anybody have one they want to share with us?
Yum!! Gonna try this!
Oh, these would be awesome! And probably a *little* healthier than store-bought popsicles! thanks!
These look so good, perfect for summer time. And the peanut butter pie a few days ago, I am still drooling over those pictures! Thanks for all the great recipes and ideas!
These were one of my favorite treats from childhood and we still make them for my kids once in a while.
A couple of times my mom made giant versions in a bucket w/ a fat dowel rod as the stick. These were for VBS or Sunday school treats. Friends from back then will still say, “Remember when your mom made the giant popsicle?” Ahhh… the memories. LOL.
Di, I love the giant popsicle idea! What a fun mom you have 🙂
That sounds like a wonderful treat! We’d always make them with kool-aid, I’ve never seen them with jello, and now I’m excited to try!
Great idea…my kids would definitely love these!
These are really fun! We’ve been doing Kool Aid popsicles a lot lately. My kids would love these Jello ones too!
Tiffany I cracked up about the banana seat comment. My brother had the most awesome bike it had a banana seat and a huge sissy bar. Do you remember those. I used to ride on the back of his bike backwards and hang on to that sissy bar. I got spanked numerous times for taking off on his bike by myself dad said to ride my own bike, but his was so much funner! Mine was just pink with a little white basket. I love the jello pops and the pudding pops old memories are the best. I just made the pudding pops and now i want to recreate the jello pops so yummy thanks for the recipe and the memory.
Re: pudding pops, I’ve always just made instant pudding according to the directions, then poured it into popsicle molds. My favorite is banana or chocolate. Or you could be fancy and do layers of each! Mmmm.
I was browsing through your recipes and came upon this one. I had totally forgotten about jello popsicles! Am going to make these the very next time the grandkids are here.
Jello Pops are a favorite here! Thanks for sharing your recipe! I included it in a Popsicle Feature on my blog. You can check it out at
Thanks for the great memories. Jello pops and bikes. Mine was metallic raspberry, white banana seat with flowers, sissy bar, white woven plastic basket with matching flowers and streamers coming out of the ends of the handlebars.
You can eliminate the step of having to go back and put in the sticks when partially frozen. We used to fill paper cups with jello. Place a square of plastic wrap or wax paper over each cup, held taught with masking tape to the cup. Then poke pop-sicle stick through wrap or wax paper and freeze.
what a great idea! I make ‘jello’ with fruit juice and plain gelatin. I’m totally going to freeze a batch of that! When I was a kid we always did OJ or Kool Aid.
Yes! This is the recipe that I remember my mom making in the mid 1970’s in San Diego! Just wish I could give my kids the same America that is was back then.
I came upon this recipe not by accident as I was looking for comfort food that I could handle after my tonsillectomy in a few weeks. I plan on making plenty for myself and my boys. I may even make a batch with freshly, grated ginger to offset any nausea post-op. I think peach or orange Jello with ginger sounds good.
Thank you for posting this!
I have made these for years ( my youngest is 46, now I am making them for my grandchildren) I add a small pack of unsweeten Kool Aid. with the Jell-O. We add peach Jell-O and mango Kool Aid. the taste is so good.
Why the extra sugar? Jello is already very sweet.
If I buy pemade in those little cups, can I put a stick in them and freeze them? I’m going to try that.
I’m not sure what they would be like frozen. This is a bit less water than the regular jello recipe calls for.
It’s actually double the water- a small (3 oz) box of jello calls for 1 cup of boiling water and 1 cup of cold water. Your recipe calls for 2 cups of each- is that why you add more sugar?
Could I use sugar free Jello and not add the sugar or is it necessary?
I think that should work.
This is the only recipe i found with No koolaid. It is not availalable anymore except in liquid form with sweetner instead of adding sugar. Not about to give my grandkids sweetner.
Thankyou for that.
Hope they enjoyed them!!