I really enjoyed reading all the comments about gardening. So many are going to be gardening for the first time this year. I’m in good company!
Thanks to random.org, we now have a winner of the Square Foot Gardening book. Enjoy the book, Trailboss! She also asked a question about gardening in the comments of the last post and I do not have an answer for her, so I thought I would ask all of you. Here’s her question:
I bought one of those cool thingies from Walmart to plant the seeds in. They are sprouting now and it won’t be long before I will transfer them outside. I’m not sure if I should put them in pots or directly into the garden though. What do you think?
Jana at The Summer House has a question about critters.
How would I keep the wild rabbits out….any suggestions??
I think that we may have this problem too. I’ve seen a lot of rabbits around here. We will probably build a cover made of chicken wire to go over the top of the garden boxes. There are a few pictures of how to do that in the Square Foot Garden book. I’m sure there are other ways to deter rabbits. Any more ideas about that?
Lauren wants to know about growing brussel sprouts:
Can you grow brussels in those gardens? I’ve never tried before, but they’re one of my favorite veggies.
I can’t find any specific info in the book about brussel sprouts, but I’m betting that you can grow them in a Square Foot Garden. I do think that Lauren deserves a prize for being one of the few people who would eat those little round balls of terror (or at least that’s how my kids would describe them!).
If you have answers for any of these questions, please type them up in the comments. One of the things I love about blogging is the chance to learn from others.
I’ll have a new recipe up later today and keep watching for another giveaway coming up.
Congrats to the winner- although I’m jealous, I’m also gracious, so…ENJOY!
Congratulations to the winner!
We had some rain yesterday, and while that makes for alot of icky-ness, the snow/ice is almost all gone from my yard and gives me hope that winter may finally be over! (although it would not at all surprise me if we had another winter storm, but here’s hoping that won’t happen!)
I am TOLD, and I can’t yet confirm this, but I will most definitely be trying it, that you can repel rabbits, squirrels, AND deer by surrounding your garden with a line of cayenne pepper. Just shake it a couple of inches wide around the entire perimeter. It should stay in place unless there is a hard rain, and then I’m told you will be able to see where it needs to be replenished. I’m doing a community garden this year, and will definitely be giving this a whirl!!
Congrats to the winner!
🙂 congrats to the winner
You think chilies would grow in it? I’d love some chilies…
Hi, I’m Mary – I found you at Heidi’s Blog (Tried and True Cooking) on her blogroll list.
I’m doing a square foot garden for the first time this year using this book – I am hoping that using this method will give me less pests and less problem with blight on my tomatoes!
Anyway, just wanted to say if anybody is thinking of square foot gardening, get this book! It is SO worth the cover price. Good luck everybody!!
Congrats to the winner! 😀
I do believe the cayenne pepper is effective for keeps rabbits and other hungry critters away. 🙂
ha, I meant for “keeping rabbits” away… I have good grammar… lol
I’m another freak who likes brussel sprouts..
What a great plan for a garden, I’m sure you’ll reap great rewards and health benefits too. I’m going to look into the square foot garden concept, I’d never heard of it before and it looks like it will suit my needs.
Definitely put herbs in – there is nothing better than fresh herbs and bought herbs don’t usually last too long in the fridge.