Have you ever ordered a Caramel Apple Spice drink from Starbucks? You can make a pretty decent version at home for much cheaper and about half the calories. The fact that I’ve cut the calories in something just thrills me, because I’m not known doing that.
Pour apple juice into a mug. Add a cinnamon stick. Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes or to the temp that you like. Remove the cinnamon stick. Add a squirt of caramel syrup and stir it all up.
Starbucks version rings in at 310 calories. It has whipped cream on top, which I don’t add. My version has about 160 calories and no fat.
Often, I skip the cinnamon stick because they are expensive. I’ve also been known to pull the stick out and save it for the next cup. I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I haven’t keeled over yet from it. Be cheap at your own risk 🙂 A bit of cinnamon syrup would be the way to go here, but I don’t happen to have any.
Enjoy Autumn!
Nothing says autumn like apples, cinnamin, and pumpkin!
Oh I must make this! Thank you for sharing! And I only need one thing – caramel syrup!
You made me LOL with the reuse cinnamon at your own risk!
I’ll have to try this one. Sounds warm and delicious.
Ah – thank you! Well we happen to have caramel syrup but no apple juice, think I’ll look for some. I reuse cinnamon sticks a couple of times and haven’t keeled over yet – do rinse them briefly in running water tho’.
Mmmmmm, like Starbucks but cheaper : )
Mmmm, one of favorite Starbucks drinks that I can make at home and save money…wonderful! I can’t wait to enjoy a cup of this during the kids’ nap time. Thanks!!
Just found your blog and I love it! You have some fantastic recipes and ideas.
I must try this. It sounds wonderful.
Have you tried just sprinkling cinnamon in it rather then the cinnamon stick?
Cinnamom sticks are expensive. My store sells many items in bulk and one of their items are the cinnamon sticks. I just bought .42 lbs for $1.01, that was 57 sticks. I use so much in the winter months for my husbands cider I was very pleased to see these in the bin. I don’t feel too bad throwing them away after one use. I am going to have to try this recipe. Thanks!!!