It seems this is publishing season for cookbooks by bloggers. Some of my favorite sites to visit have books being released this month. I’ve added all of these to my wish list (I think I’ll send a link to this post to Jim, so he’s got some Christmas ideas for me 🙂 )
In the interest of full discloser, I don’t know any of these people personally (well, I have interviewed Stephanie O’dea here on Eat at Home, and I do follow Rea Drummond and Clara on twitter – yeah, not quite like knowing them personally) and I’m not getting anything to tell you about their books. I just think the books are cool and I thought you might like them too.
I discovered Great Depression Cooking with Clara last winter. She has several videos filmed by her grandson, where she shares stories and foods that her family cooked during the Depression. Clara is a treasure and I’m so thankful that her grandson followed through on this project idea with her.
Clara joined Twitter several weeks ago. I’m thinking that there aren’t many people in their 90s who are on Twitter!
Her Depression Era Bread is one of my favorite recipes both to bake for my family and to share with you all.
Clara’s book is being released Oct. 27 and is available on pre-order from Amazon now. [Read more…] about A Few Cool Cookbooks Coming Out Soon