When I asked on Facebook about what meals you have trouble finding side dishes for, tacos and other Mexican and Tex-Mex meals made the list.
I have to agree that it’s hard to know what to serve with tacos and other Mexican dishes that are a little more interesting than just chips and salsa.
Don’t get me wrong, chips and salsa are a tasty, natural choice. They’re quick too.
But what about other options? Here are a few ideas:
What to Serve With Tacos and Enchiladas …
There are more side dishes that go with tacos than you might imagine.
The Best Side Dishes for Tacos and Enchiladas
Guacamole side
Guacamole is perhaps the quintessential side dish for tacos or enchiladas. It’s super easy and quick to make and tastes delicious every time.
Don’t want your guac to turn brown. Here’s a tip for keeping that from happening.
Refried Beans
This refried beans side dish is sort of homemade. They start with canned beans that you cook, add a few ingredients and mash. They’re quick and delicious.
Slow Cooker Bean Recipe
This Slow Cooker Bean recipe starts with dried beans. It makes a lot and is perfect for stashing in the freezer. Use them for side dishes, mash them, stuff them in tortillas for lunch or dinner.
Corn on the Cob
If it’s in season, corn on the cob is a great side dish for tacos. I like to use this easy microwave method for cooking it.
Black Bean and Corn Salsa Salad
Black Bean and Corn Salad can be used as a salad or dip with chips. Or, you can scoop the salad into your tacos for extra flavor.
Grilled Zucchini
Grilled zucchini is an easy and healthy side for tacos or enchiladas. The Mexican spice brings out the flavor in your meal.
Corn Casserole
Corn casserole is another great side for tacos or enchiladas. This recipe works well with a lot of Tex-Mex dishes.
Ranch Veggie Salad
A Ranch Veggie Salad pairs well with tacos or enchiladas. The cool taste of ranch dressing pairs great with spicy foods.
Slaw with Tomato, Red Onion and Jalapeno
Try my Slaw with Tomato, Red Onion and Jalapeno. This side slaw recipe has both cool and spicy tastes. It would be great with tacos or enchiladas.
Summer Corn Salad
If you’re making your tacos in the warm months, try this Summer Corn Salad. It’s delicious on top of your tacos or enchiladas.
Wild Watermelon
Wild Watermelon is perfect in summer. Some people add a squeeze of lime juice too – delish!
You might also try pineapple spears to go along with tacos.
What do you like to serve with tacos and enchiladas?
What’s your favorite taco side dish?
Leave them in the comments below.
I think your “What to Serve with…” series is genius. I have enjoyed reading your ideas and have pinned them for future use. This corn salad looks marvelous! And the wild watermelon sounds so refreshing and different. Thank you for some great posts!
Thanks, Leslie!
No Problem!
I often serve a tropical fruit salad with Mexican. Diced pineapple, mango, papaya, kiwi dressed in yogurt. My kiddos love it.
That sounds amazing. I’ll have to try that. Was thinking of mexican this weekend. Thank you for your suggestion.
I like that you mentioned that grilled zucchinis can pair well with tacos. I’m considering getting a catering service that has tacos for the celebration in December of the foundation of the neighborhood association that I belong to. A lot of our members are vegetarians so having more options for them is very much welcome.
That sounds like a fun event, Alice! We’ve also recent added a new Whole Food Plant-Based Menu that is vegan and there are lots of new recipes for our members. If you’re not a member you’ll find a few recent posts on the blog of some of these recipes. You can also type “vegetarian” in the search bar on the blog for some other recipe ideas. Hope that helps!
More tacos obviously