Sometimes companies come out with new products and recipes get created around those products. Then a while later the products get pulled or you just can’t find them. Or maybe you’d just really like a homemade version.
What to do? Substitute!
Depending on the recipe and product this can be really easy or a bit more challenging.
Recently, I made Creamy Jalapeno Chicken Tacos, but I couldn’t find the jalapeno cream cheese.
Instead, I used plain cream cheese and a small can of diced jalapeno peppers. It was a simple fix and the result tasted great.
Here’s another example. We love the sauce packet for this Sweet Korean BBQ Haystacks recipe:
But I really wanted a homemade version that would be close. This Korean Taco recipe comes very close to the same taste:
Cream of…Soup Substitutions
Canned cream soups can be substituted with a good white sauce. There are lots of ways to vary the flavors of white sauce so it fits your recipe.
Try to get close enough when making substitutions
Sometimes it’s not possible to get the exact flavor without the product. I know a lot of people have been frustrated while trying to make this Creamy Pina Colada Pie. Pina Colada jello is not easy to find.
Try Island Pineapple jello instead. It won’t be the same, but it will be close. Or use any other flavor of jello that catches your fancy.