I’m planning a blog series for this summer on road tripping through the U.S. from the kitchen. I want to gather and try many recipes from different parts of our country.
I’ve already got a nice list going thanks to readers on the Eat at Home Facebook page, but I’d like to have even more suggestions!
So I’ve opened the topic on the Ebates Savvy Living Community and I’d love to have you give your suggestions too!
Disclosure: I am compensated for my role as Community Leader in the Ebates Savvy Living Community.
Hot Brown, and you KNOW where that comes from!
Oh yes! Great idea!
Anything coastal. I love those fresh seafood recipes.
MY regional food? Citrus! The county I live in is famous for citrus. If you ever drank any citrus juice in a can that had the Juice Bowl label, it came from Lakeland FL where the Juice Bowl company is located a mile or so from my house. Can never get enough orange juice .
For California I think San Francisco Burritos would be good.
Micha, that sounds good! Thanks for the suggestion.
Minnesotans are known for many foods, but wild rice is a staple here! Wild rice brats are one of our favorites.