For the first time that I remember, I was sick on Thanksgiving. I started coming down with a cold on Monday. By Tuesday night I was running a fever and my cold was feeling a lot more like the flu. And it was Saturday before I really started feeling like myself again.
So I was not one of the things that worked in the kitchen this week!
1. My fabulous husband
Our original plan was to go to Ohio to a family gathering on Thanksgiving Day. I was planning to take pies. By Wednesday night we realized that was not going to happen. (I told him to go without me, but he didn’t like that plan.)
So Jim braved the stores the evening before Thanksgiving and bought a few things to make dinner at home. Then on Thursday he baked two homemade pies, crust and all (Pumpkin Pie and Derby Pie). He also made roast chicken, baked sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, broccoli, cranberry sauce and rolls.
I’m definitely thankful for Jim!
2. The kids
The kids took charge of cleaning up the kitchen during the time I was sick. They also brought me cups of hot tea and made toast for me.
3. Homemade Bread from my 12 year old.
On Monday afternoon, Mia decided to try making homemade bread. I pulled up the Depression Era Bread recipe for her. She did a great job!
What’s working in the kitchen for you this week?
I’m attempting to work with what I’ve got right now. I also want/need to start menu planning so that when I grocery shop, I make more intentional purchases and don’t end up just buying a bunch of crap. I’m going to have more time to cook after school ends next week, which will make a huge difference and keep me from skipping dinner on the nights I get home late.