It’s Challenge Day 6! That means we’ve almost completed the entire challenge! If you haven’t joined us yet, it’s not too late. Just head over to our Eat at Home Challenge page for the details and follow the quick steps for all the fun.
You’ll receive a free meal plan using recipes from my new cookbook Eat at Home Tonight and 2 bonus recipes from the book. And be sure to join the private Facebook group too for daily encouragement from others in the challenge and to enter for daily prizes.
Challenge Day 6
Today’s Facebook Live recipe is Double Chicken Dinner and Chicken Dijon Pear Salad from the “I Want to Cook for Tonight and Tomorrow” Chapter. Some of you have mentioned that your family doesn’t do leftovers. Let me just say, I’m sorry to hear that.
And let me also add, this chapter is for you! It’s my solution to serving leftovers that don’t taste a thing like leftovers. In fact, I’m guessing that your family won’t even notice that it’s leftovers.
This meal actually started with yesterday’s Facebook Live recipe for Dijon Chicken in the pressure cooker, the directions in the cookbook include slow cooker and oven directions too.
So, today, in less than 10 minutes, I whipped up this Dijon Pear Chicken Salad, using extra chicken from yesterday’s Dijon Chicken. I love adding fruit to salads, and it sounds like quite a few of you do too. But, if it’s not your thing, then just leave it out, or add something else in its place to make it your own.
Whatever you do, I hope it includes eating at home and enjoying your people and conversation around the table! I’ll see you tomorrow for our final day of Facebook Live for the Challenge and the best possible way to celebrate a job well done – dessert!!
In the meantime, be sure to join the Challenge and private Facebook group, and you can grab your copy of Eat at Home Tonight.